Friday, September 10, 2010


Nick Christians
September 10, 2010.

Here is some information for Dr. Jim Kerns, the new turf pathologist at the university of Wisconsin. It is the Wisconsin recommendations for snow mold treatments for this winter if PCNB is not reinstated.

From Jim Kerns:

Here is what we've developed for superintendents in Wisconsin as substitutes for PCNB.

1. Good: 2 oz Thophanate-methyl + 5.5 oz chlorothalonil (this is a great mixture for pink snow mold and moderate gray snow mold pressure)

2. Better: 4 oz iprodione + 5.5 oz chlorothalonil (once again great for pink snow mold and moderate gray snow mold pressure 2 oz propiconazole (microemulsion formulations) + 0.3 to 0.5 oz Medallion (excellent for high pressure sites, but it fairly expensive)

3. Best: 4 oz iprodione + 5.5 oz chlorothalonil + 2 oz propiconazole (microemulsion formulation) 4 oz iprodione + 5.5 oz chlorothalonil + 0.72 oz propiconazole (concentrated EC formulation)

4. Supreme: 7 to 9 oz Instrata 4 to 6 oz Interface + 2 oz propiconazole (microemulsion formulation)

Other pathologists are also putting together recommendations. I will post those as they become available.

1 comment:

Jerry Deziel said...

Syngenta did some work on early prevention strategies. 2 oz Propiconizole in September, followed by 4 0z each Iprodione and Daconil in October