Nick Christians
November 11, 2014
Here is my latest article on Poa Control. The full version appears in the Canadian Groundskeeper at:
Annual Bluegrass (Poa
annua) Control:
So Where Do We Stand in 2014?
Nick Christians
Iowa State University
more than 40 years, I have been involved in some way in trying to eliminate
annual bluegrass (Poa annua) from
turf areas. My first experience with
this weed was as a golf course superintendent in Southern Colorado in the early
1970’s. I was also involved in research
trials as a graduate student at Ohio State University. For the past 35 years at Iowa State
University in Ames, Iowa, I have conducted several experiments on the control
of this species.
I have also had
several opportunities to write about the subject. My first major article was in Golf Course
Management in 1996. This was a lengthy
article that covered 85 years of literature concerning attempts to control this
species (Christians, 1996). In 2008, I
did an update on the subject 12 years after the first article (Christians,
2008). While it doesn’t seem possible,
another 6 years have passed and it’s time to take another look at what is
currently happening in the industry.
begin by discussing why this species is so hated by turf managers. The answer to that lies in its life
cycle. It is a technically a winter
annual, which means that it germinates late in the summer and into the fall,
lives through the winter as a mature plant, and in the spring it produces a
seed crop and simply dies. It is better
adapted to low mowing heights than most of our turf species and tends to crowd
them out at low mowing heights. It can
produce a quality stand of turf in cool and wet conditions, but the fact that
it dies in mid-season when we want to use the turf area for golf or as a sports
turf is a big problem (Fig. 1). It can
also produce seed at any time of year when it is actively growing, even at the
lowest mowing heights. I have observed Poa annua, or simply Poa as is it know in the industry, producing
seedheads at a 2 mm mowing height in a creeping bentgrass green. None of the other grasses that tolerate low
mowing heights can do this. This ability
to produce seed gives Poa an
ecological advantage over other grasses and it slowly takes over close-mown
turf areas such as golf greens. If all Poa annua were a true winter annual, we
could control it with preemergence herbicides, but much of it is a weak
perennial that can survive the summer.
the Midwestern United States, we are seeing more Poa annua in sports turf areas.
More intense management regimes in recent years seem to be more
favorable to Poa and I get more
questions from sports turf managers each year concerning what they can do about
it (Fig. 2 and 3).
began my career as an optimist. There
were many new products to control the most difficult problems that the industry
faced. Systemic fungicides were just
coming into use and there were a number of new insecticides and herbicides that
were allowing us to do things that were not possible before. Each turf show I attended highlighted a new herbicide
for Poa annua control and I believed
that it would only be a matter of time until this species would no longer be a
problem. I was wrong. It is now 4 decades later and we are still
searching for that herbicide or management strategy that will give us some
relief from this relentless problem. My years of experience have left me less
confident that we will ever find an answer to the Poa problem. For reasons I
will discuss later, it is likely that we will never see a completely effective
“magic bullet” that will eliminate it.
the last century of attempts to solve the problem, turf managers have tried a
highly varied list of things to eliminate annual bluegrass from their
turf. The earliest attempt was to cut
the Poa out of greens with a knife (Alexander,
1922). This process still goes on today and can be very effective on new courses
or following renovation and reestablishment of greens. However, it is very expensive and most
courses cannot afford the labor bill for this intense process. This was followed by using arsenic as a
preemergence herbicide (Spague and Burton, 1937). This was a surprisingly effective approach,
however, the toxicity of arsenic to humans ended this practice in the mid part
of the last century. When the organic
preemergence herbicides were released in the 1960’s and 1970’s, it seemed that
they could be the final answer. However,
the seed for Poa can live for years
in soil and plants will emerge every time there is an opportunity for
germination, such as in a ball mark. It
was impossible to keep these herbicides at a high enough level on the surface
of the soil to stop emergence. There are
also many perennial biotypes in most areas, and these types are not affected by
preemergence materials.
plant growth regulators (PGR’s) have gone through various phases in attempt to gain
control. The first attempt was to use
the Type I materials, like Embark (mefluidide) to inhibit seedhead
formation. No seedheads, no Poa was the concept. While embark was an excellent seedhead
inhibitor, this strategy was not effective.
Again, seed can live in the soil for years and while Embark will inhibit
seed production for a while, Poa can
produce seedheads under nearly all conditions throughout the season. Embark was also highly variable and could
result in phytoxicity to the desirable grass.
The next phase was the use Type II PGR’s, or gibberellic acid (GA) inhibitors,
such as Trimmit (paclybutrazon), and Cutless (flurprimidol) (Watschke, 1996). These products are effective in selectively
slowing the growth of the Poa in
creeping bentgrass fairways. Their use
can be an effective as part of an integrated management program designed to
discriminate against the Poa, but
even under the best conditions, a significant amount of the stand remains Poa annua and this has not been the
final solution.
has been no limit to new postemergence, selective herbicides. I have worked with nearly all of them since
the late 1970’s. While some appeared
promising, and I occasionally got excited about the results, every one of them
has had the same problem. They work on
some biotypes of Poa annua and not on
others. There are literally thousands of
biotypes of this species. While these
biotypes are all genetically classed as Poa annua, they vary widely in their
response to postemergence herbicides.
It’s not unusual to see multiple types on the same golf course and they
clearly vary considerably over larger geographic areas. This is Poa’s
strength and our downfall. It always has
a way of getting around us. If a product
is found that controls 99% of the Poa
on a given site (I rarely see more than 80% control) the remaining Poa that is resistant to the herbicide
will produce seed and simply turn over the population. This is the primary
reason why I have made the statement in earlier articles that I do not think
that we will ever see the “magic bullet” herbicide that will completely take
out Poa. This genetic variability is the best
guarantee of survival that a weed can have.
problem with many of the postemergence herbicides is their safety margin on the
desirable grass. One of the most
effective postemergence herbicide that I worked with has been Prograss
(ethofumesate). This product is very
effective at taking most Poa biotypes
from perennial ryegrass. The catch is
the perennial ryegrass. It easily damages
bentgrass and Kentucky bluegrass. In the
limited geographic areas where perennial ryegrass fairways are used, this
product, with an intense overseeding program in fall, can eliminated most of
the Poa.
(mesotrione), a recent postemergence material from Syngenta, can also be
effective in some situations. This
product, though, is limited to use in Kentucky bluegrass. It will kill bentgrass and can damage
perennial ryegrass. This product has had
some success in Kentucky bluegrass sports fields, but again, the biotype
problem with the Poa is a
concern. I have seen some promising
trials and some that were less promising (Fig. 4). With Tenacity, persistence
is important and more than one application within the limits of the label will
be necessary.
(bisprybic-sodium) is another postemergence herbicide that shows promise for
use in creeping bentgrass. It was
available when I wrote the 1996 article, but at that time my experience with it
was limited. Since that time, I have had
a chance to work with it in a variety of situations and to observe its use
under actual golf course conditions (See
and search Velocity). I generally get
some yellowing of the bentgrass where this product is used, although this is
not always the case. There are clearly
biotype differences in the response of Poa.
Some trials have worked well and others
have not. It can be effective and safe
with repeat applications at low rates, but this is difficult and expensive and
Velocity is clearly not the “magic bullet”.
newest postemergence, selective product is PoaCure (methiozolin). This product is also known in the industry in
the United States as the “Korean product”.
It comes from Moghu Research
Center in Korea. PoaCure has a new mode
of action and works by inhibiting cell wall formation (Anonymous, 2014). This product has been very promising in early
testing (Cross, et al., 2014). It has
been used under an experimental use permit (EUP) for limited testing in 34 of
the United States this year. They hope
to begin marketing in 2016. Following
release in the United States, the company hopes to begin testing in Canada. It has provided the best results of any new
product that I have seen for many years.
However, as more results are being reported, it is evident that there is
variability in its control of various Poa
biotypes. It still may play an important
role in Poa annua control and I would
recommend that superintendents try it on test areas to see how it works for
them in their location once it gets to market.
this day, the most effective solution to the problem of Poa has been the development of Roundup Ready creeping bentgrass
(Christians 2003). This method involves
the genetic manipulation of creeping bentgrass.
Scientists from O.M. Scotts Co of Marysville, OH, and Monsanto Co. of
St. Louis, MS have successfully inserted a gene into creeping bentgrass that
makes the grass tolerant of Roundup (glyphosate) (Fig. 5). Creeping bentgrass is normally susceptible to
Roundup, as are most weeds found in bentgrass turf. The susceptible species include Poa annua and this makes it possible to
remove the Poa without damaging the
bentgrass. My students and myself did a
lot of work at Iowa State on the concept and found it to be highly effective
(Dant and Christians, 2004; Dant and Christains, 2005). The sale of Roundup Ready bluegrass is still
under review by the regulators in the United States federal government and to
date, it has not been released. This
process is not without draw backs. For
instance, Poa annua could develop
resistance to the Roundup over time.
However, this remains the most promising technology that I have worked
with in my career and hopefully it will be released in the future.
W.A. 1922. How we controlled Poa annua at Old Elm. Bulletin of the Green Section of the USGA 2(7):213-214.
2014. Mthiozolin:The new weapon for your old Poa.
Christians, N.E.
1996. A Historical perspective of
annual bluegrass control. Golf Course
Management 64(11):49-57. (Online at:
Christians, N.C., 2003.
Poa annua control: Where are we
now? Greenskeeper International. May
2008. (
Christians, N.E.. 2006. Control
options: What’s next for Poa annua control?
Grounds Maintenance. 41(3):
p. 28-30, 33.
Christians, N.E. 2008. Annual bluegrass update: 12 years later. Golf Course Management 76(6):96-101.
Cross, R. B.;
B. McCarty, and A.G. Estes. 2013 New options for Poa annua control in bentgrass greens: The fight
against annual bluegrass in creeping bentgrass continues with two new
herbicides. Golf Course
Management 81(7):86-92.
Dant, L. and N.E. Christians. 2004. Path to
Conversion: Research focuses on the best way to convert conventional turfgrass
areas to Roundup ready creeping bentgrass.
Grounds Maint. 39(7):61-68.
Dant, L.A., N.E. Christians, and S.Z. Fei. 2005. Timing of roundup application critical when
converting golf course turf to Roundup Ready® creeping bentgrass. International Turfgrass Society Research
Journal. Vol. 10, Part 1 p. 333-338.
H.B., and G.W. Burton. 1937. Annual
bluegrass (Poa annua L.) and its requirements for growth. N.J. Agric.
Exp.Bull. 630.
Watschke, T.L. 1996. Growth regulators and Poa
annua. Turfgrass Trends. 5(3):1-4.
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