ISU Turf Research Reports

Friday, August 23, 2013


 Nick Christians
August23, 2013

Dan Strey, ISU graduate student and research associate received 3rd place in the national Golf Course Superintendent Association of America (GCSAA) essay contest.  The prize was a $1000 scholarship.  Congratulations Dan!

The story from GCSAA is below:

Derek Pruyne, John Parvin, and Dan Strey, are winners of the 2013 Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) Student Essay Contest.

Open to GCSAA members who are undergraduate or graduate students pursuing degrees in turfgrass science, agronomy or any field related to golf course management, the GCSAA Essay Contest accepts entries with a focus on golf course management. The scholarship funding is provided by the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) through the Robert Trent Jones Endowment. The EIFG is GCSAA’s philanthropic organization.

Judges from the GCSAA Scholarship Committee select winners to receive scholarships and the first place entry may be published or excerpted in the association's official publication, GCM.
Pruyne, from State College, Pa., is a first-year graduate student at Penn State University. He won the first place scholarship of $2,000 for his essay: "Implications of Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide on Turfgrass Systems."

Parvin, from White Lake Township, Mich., is a senior at Michigan State University. With his paper "Golf Course Management, a Stimulating Science," Parvin won the second place prize of $1,500 for the second consecutive year.

Strey, from Ames, Iowa, is in his first year of graduate school at Iowa State University. He claimed the third place award of $1,000 for his writing: "Alternatives to Synthetic Herbicides."

"Derek, John and Dan are wonderful examples of the industry’s future," GCSAA President Patrick R. Finlen, CGCS, said. "We are proud to honor their achievements on behalf of the GCSAA membership, and it will be exciting to see where they go from here."

The picture below is of Dan at the Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing this summer.  He attended the International Turfgrass Research meetings in July.

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