Nick Christians
June 19, 2013
Here is some additional information on the bermudagrass on the Dowling High School baseball field in West Des Moines, Iowa. The pictures are from Eric Van Ginkel of the Iowa Cubs, who is involved in the care of the field. It shows the problem of bermudagrass stolons encroaching on the infield. This is not a problem with the Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass, because neither has a spreading rhizome. If any of you involved in sports turf management have noticed this on your fields recently, it is likely either bermudagrass of Zoysiagrass. While Zoysia is more common in Iowa turf, the bermudagrass is increasing in the region and has the most aggressive stolon growth of the two species. We are also seeing more of it in Iowa lawns. Watch for stolon growth over the sidewalks and drive ways.
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