ISU Turf Research Reports

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Nick Christians
April 3, 2013

 Here is a great mole picture from Larry Ginger of American Lawn Care.  Her refers to him as "Mikey the Mole".  Larry has been experimenting with various mole deterrents in his customers lawns, including Sevin insecticide to reduce their food source.

 He has found that the only effective way of eliminating them is with traps.  The one shown below is the "Mole Eliminator".  He buys them whole sale and then sells them to his lawn care customers.  He will set them for the customer if they wish.  He offers a money back guarantee if they don't catch moles and has had no one ask for their money back to date. Here is the web site for the trap

 Larry's contact information is below.

Larry Ginger
American Lawn Care
5880 NW 2nd St
Des Moines, IA  50313
(800) 700-6330

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