ISU Turf Research Reports

Monday, March 25, 2013


Nick Christians
March 25, 2013

Here is an interesting picture from golf course superintendent Ken Siems from the Pestovo Golf and Yacht Club near Moscow, Russia.  Notice that the picture is from March 21, 2013.  I thought some of you that feel like we have had a tough winter would enjoy seeing what a really heavy, late snow looks like.  Ken moved to Moscow last year from Beijing, China where his old golf course had been under 6 ft of flood water.

There is a green under the snow in the foreground and the fairway is in the background.  Ken was wondering about snow removal. 

I have had a lot of experience with snow and/or ice removal from golf courses over the years.  We have done studies on it here at ISU and have had a chance to observe the effects of snow removal on many golf courses here in the region.  My observations have been that we generally find that we do more harm than good when it comes to removal and that it is generally best to just leave snow and ice in place and have it melt naturally. 

This is an unusually heavy snow fall, however and it would be unlikely to melt off until well into April.  Ken is going to leave some areas and remove part of the snow from others.  He will keep us posted on the recovery this spring.

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