ISU Turf Research Reports

Friday, January 25, 2013


Nick Christians
January 25, 2013

The post below is from August 9 during the peak of the drought of 2012.  We applied some lawn care treatments to turf areas at the research station to see if there would be any damage from applying treatments to dormant turf.

It rained shortly after the treatments and we had recovery on all of our non-irrigated turf .  We saw no damage from applying these treatments to dormant turf.  In every case, we saw an improvement in the turf where we applied treatments during the drought in August.

iaTURF: FERTILIZING LAWNS DURING DROUGHT STRESS-2012: Nick Christians August 9, 2012 On Friday July 20, 2012, I put up a blog post about some 1988 work that we did with an Iowa lawn care...

1 comment:

  1. Yah! This is a problem in the drought season. The beauty of lawn yard does not remain same as it in the rainy season. Lots of lawn care is necessary. Thank you for mentioning about the lawn treatment


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