ISU Turf Research Reports

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2011 Awards and Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to all the 2011 Award and Scholarship Recipients.  If you would like to nominate someone in 2012 visit to find information and nomination forms from the Iowa Golf Course Superintendent, Iowa Sports Turf Managers, and Iowa Professional Lawn Care awards.   

Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association

Distinguished Service Award - Ken Ellenson, CGCS, Amana Colonies Golf Course
Ken Ellenson, CGCS  (center) with Randy Robinson (left) and Brett Parcher (right).

Superintendent of the Year - Nick Cummins, Westwood Golf Course
Nick Cummins (right) with Randy Robinson (left).

Environmental Stewardship Award - Terry Hannah, Superintendent, Jester Park Golf Course
Terry Hannah (center) with 2010 recipient Rick Tegtmeier, CGCS (left), and Randy Robinson (right).

Charles Calhoun Writing Award - Jon Christenson, Superintendent, Monarch Bay Golf Club (not pictured)

Iowa Sports Turf Managers Association

Iowa Sports Turf Manager of the Year - Tim Van Loo, CSFM, Iowa State Athletics
Tim Van Loo with wife Amber, son Steven, and daughter Sam.

Iowa Baseball Field of the Year - Rick House, Sports Field Manager, Council Bluffs Recreation Complex
Rick House (center) with Tony Senio (left) and Zach Smith (right).

Golden Cleat Award Recipient - Bryan Wood, Owner, Commercial Turf & Tractor
Bryan Wood (right) with Tony Senio (left).

Iowa State University Scholarship Winners

Adam Grimm - A.E. Cott and Charles Hall Scholarships
Adam Grimm (right) with Greg Harkin (left).

Kevin Hansen - Iowa GCSA Legacy Scholarship and ISTMA Scholarship
Kevin Hansen (right) with Tony Senio (left).

Shane Lohman - Bob Clark Scholarship and Iowa GCSA Scholarship
Shane Lohman (right) with Randy Robinson (left).

Joe Parker - Bob Clark Scholarship and Kevin Reiter Memorial Scholarship
Joe Parker (right) with Randy Robinson (left)

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