ISU Turf Research Reports

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Nick Christians
June 28, 2011

Information continues to come in daily on the Imprelis damage to trees. I received information on damage in the Cedar Rapids, IA area yesterday.

Below are some interesting links and some new pictures.

Link #1 is from the Penn State Extension service. Peter Landschoot is the author.
The 2nd link is to a news broadcast from Indiana.

Pine Damage from Chicago

Large tree in Kansas City.

Severely damaged tree in Wisconsin

Large tree showing damage clear to the top. This would indicate translocation from roots and not drift.


  1. If you have suffered damage to trees on your property after the spraying of Imprelis on your lawn or if you are a lawn care professional with customers that have been affected, we are interested in learning about your experience. Working together, we can make sure DuPont is held accountable for the damage their product has caused.

    Call us at 1-866-883-5350 to speak to an experienced attorney or visit us at

  2. duh dupont is working with lawn care companies and their customers to replace and compensate lawyers just want your money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. For second opinion for Imprelis damage to trees, contact Cross Law Firm in KC (816.454.LAWS or, and licensed in Kansas and Missouri). Choice of attorney is important and should not be based on any communication or one opinion. Or call Attorney Michael Miller in San Antonio, or arborist Dr. Brown ( or more information regarding a second opinion.


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