The blog turns one today. Can you believe how fast the time has gone? Here’s a quick recap from our first year of blogging.
- 113 articles on a wide variety of subjects were posted to the blog during its first year. Special thanks to everyone that contributed by sending in an article. The blog really becomes more dynamic when we can post information directly from industry professionals.
- The blog had over 11,000 visits from over 4,000 different visitors. We had visits from every state, except Alaska (Does anybody know someone in Alaska that can visit the site for us?) Iowa and the six surrounding states accounted for about 80% of the visits. Also, a shout out to Des Moines, Muscatine, Cedar Rapids, Ft. Dodge, and Urbandale for logging the most hits within the state of Iowa.
- The average time spent on the site was 1 minute 7 seconds. I’m actually really happy about that. Our goal is to get timely, relevant information to you. We’re not trying to write novels here!
- The blog caught the attention of the turf industry by being featured by GCSAA.
What’s next for iaTURF?
The entire goal of the blog was to get relevant information to you in a way convenient for you, and possibly have some fun while doing it. Continuing with that theme, we are launching an iaTURF Facebook page where you will be able to access information from the blog. You may have noticed the blue Facebook button at the top of the right hand column. This links directly to the iaTURF facebook page. Become of fan of the iaTURF Facebook page by clicking the “Like” button at the top of the page.
Marcus Jones
Graduate Research Assistant
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