Linden trees (Tilia spp) are a favorite of the Japanes Beetle. The picture below shows a Linden on Barrington CC in Chicago in 2008. The insects start feeding on the top of the tree and move down. They can defoliate a Linden if there are enough insects present and the tree should be treated with insecticide if the problem is bad enough.
The second picture show a Japanese Beetle on the left and a Masked Chafer on the right. I took this picture on Iowa State campus. Both species lay eggs in the turf that will hatch into larvae that damage the root system later in the summer. Fortunately, the Masked Chafer adult does not do significant damage to landscape plants.
Thanks for the information
does anyone else see these beetles burrowing into the greens? we're in north central iowa, franklin county, and they are here now. the lacy vein pattern on what is left of the linden tree leaf is right on!
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