Nick Christians
Jan. 5, 2015
The advanced turf course, Hort 451, will be offered online again this spring. It is available in a web-based format that can be accessed from anywhere in world. Those interested should go to:
for more information.
It is available for both undergraduate and graduate credit.
(and NO, this is not my high school graduation picture)
Registration Information
Hort 351 or permission of instructor
Course Materials:
Mathematics of Turfgrass Maintenance, Nick Christians
ISBN 9780470048450; 4th Ed, 2008
Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management, Nick Christians
ISBN 9780470587317; 4th Ed, 2011
Course Description:
Turfgrass science including the study of (1) specific information on
soil chemistry and soil modification as they relate to the develop-
ment and maintenance of turfgrass areas, (2) specialized manage-
ment practices used in athletic field care, professional lawn care,
and golf course industries, and (3) construction methods for golf
courses and sports fields. Nonmajor graduate credit.