ISU Turf Research Reports

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

IATurf Blog has moved to

Iowa State University Turfgrass is pleased to announce the launch of its fully-featured website The new site has extensive content including blog posts, publications, research reports, and news from across the state of Iowa. The highly successful IATurf Blog that reaches thousands of individuals will now be accessible from your tablet and phone. Don't worry, we made sure to add all the previous blogs to the new site!

The new website is designed to assist turf managers across Iowa with a one-stop shop for everything turfgrass. The website focuses on making information available to all individuals with a vested interest in turf industry, as well as highlight specialized advice and turf solutions. As part of our objective to provide critical information on the turf industry, Iowa State is proud to introduce the new website. Along with the launch of the new website, there are nine new publications added to the Iowa Extension store.

The first set of publications address common homeowner questions.  As temperatures warm and the calendar steadily marches forward, people across Iowa will soon find themselves working in their yards on a regular basis. With this work in mind, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach has published four publications to serve as guides for residential yardwork. The full press release highlighting the publications can be found here! The following publications can now be found on the new site under the publication tab.

“Sodding a New Lawn”, (HORT 3033)
“Mowing Your Lawn”, (HORT 3047)
“Management and Control of Summer Patch” (HORT 3049)
“Organic Turfgrass Fertilization” (HORT 3031)

In addition to the general homeowner publications, five new publications focused on athletic field management were released. These focus on the planning required to keeping Iowa athletic fields aesthetically pleasing and more importantly safe. Managing traffic, interseeding and general maintenance of the field before, during and after the playing season are all important aspects to providing a smooth, even playing surface.

The full ISU press release can be found here! The following publications can also be found on the new site under the publication tab.

“Preventing Compaction on Athletic Fields” (HORT 3020)
“Tips for Athletic Field Seeding and Irrigation” (HORT 3022)
“Managing the Field within the Field” (HORT 3046)
Putting the Field to Bed” (HORT 3048)
"Topdressing Athletic Fields" (HORT 3050)

Check out the new website and let us know what you think!