ISU Turf Research Reports

Friday, August 29, 2014


Nick Christains
August 29, 2014

Her is an interesting situation that I have not seen before.  The pictures come from Mike Vander Pol, superintendent at Emerald Hills golf course in Northwest Iowa.  This is on a Kentucky bluegrass fairway with a history of Summer Patch caused by the fungi  Magnaporthe poae.  The symptoms clearly look like Summer Patch, however, I would not expect the hyphae forming a myclial mass around the outside of the ring.  It was Pythium weather at the time that the pictures were taken, but Pythium is rare on Kentucky bluegrass and the mycelia mass is clearly around the circumference of the patches. 

I had Mike treat a test area with Teramec SP (chloroneb), a pythium control and send a grass sample to the Iowa State Plant Disease and Insect clinic for identification.  Mike reported to me that the Teremec did stop the hypha.  The laboratory was able to find oospores of pythium on the sample and runner hypae in the roots.  They were not able to clearly identify the species of the runner hyphae.

Evidently, the summer patch developed as is common on Kentucky bluegrass at this time of year.  This weakens the grass in the infected area.  That must have coincided with just the right conditions for Pythium development and the two diseases happened simultaneously.  Like I said earlier, I have not seen that before.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Nick Christians
August 21, 2014

Ryan Adams

Laura  Jesse
Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic
Iowa State University Extension
327 Bessey Hall
Ames, IA  50011

At the annual turfgrass fieldday, Laura filmed an instructional video on how to sample for possible nematode problems.  That film is now finished and it has been put up on line at the following location:  

Give Laura a call if you have any more questions about how to submit samples to the Plant and Insect Diagnostic lab.

Ryan has established treatments on an experimental green at the research station to evaluate a number of nematicides with and without Heritage (Azoxystrobin) fungicide.  Ryan will be posting information on the blog as information becomes available. 

Laura at this years fieldday.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Hort 351XW Turfgrass Establishment and Management available on line

Nick Christians
August 20, 2014

There is still time to enroll in the turf course.  I have added the information that the university is sending out to new online students.  Let me know if anyone has any questions.

Hort 351 XW  Turfgrass Establishment and Management is available on line this fall.  It begins next week.  This is a totally web based course and can be taken from anywhere in the world that there is internet connection.

The course will begin on August 25 and continue through the 3rd  week of December..

Check out the details at:


Instructor:  Dr. Nick Christians

Here is the information that the college is sending out to students.

Welcome to Iowa State University Online Learning fall 2014! You are currently enrolled in Establishment and Management, HORT 351, delivered via Blackboard Learn. The course is taught by Nick Christians- or by telephone at: 515-294-0036.

Course dates:  Monday, August 25, 2014 to Friday, December 19, 2014
There is a delivery fee of $175 in addition to the standard (resident) tuition rates.

Book/Course Packet Info:
Mathematics of Turfgrass Maintenance, 4th ed, 2008
ISBN 9780470048450
Nick Christians

Fundamentals of Turfgrass Management, 4th ed, 2011
ISBN 9780470587317
Nick Christians

You may order your textbook through the Iowa State University Book Store at may also use other online resources to order your textbook. Just make sure to verify you are purchasing the correct edition and ISBN number. If there is a course pack for this class, they will have it available for you at the bookstore for order as well.

Accessing your online course:
You can access your online course via Blackboard Learn – this is the university’s online course management system for communications, assignments, testing and course content. Go to  and use your ISU NetID and password to log-in. If you need to set up your ISU NetID and password, see the “New Student Information” section below.  Be sure you can login to Blackboard Learn prior to the start of your course- please note that your courses may not be available until the start date.  If you have issues logging in to Blackboard Learn or cannot access your course on or after the start date, please contact the Solution Center at 515-294-4000.

Enrollment changes and Billing:
If your plans change and you need to drop this course, IMMEDIATELY do so in one of the following ways:
·         Access Plus (limited access to schedule changes after the first day of class)
·         Email us at  and we’ll assist you with the process

Tuition is calculated from the first day of class onward. Informing your instructor of your wish to drop a course is not a sufficient way to drop the course; drops must be processed through AccessPlus or by contacting the Office of the Registrar.
**In order to receive a full refund, you must drop the class no later than the day BEFORE the class is scheduled to begin.
NOTE:  Failure to attend or login to the course or failure to pay tuition does not constitute a drop.  You can verify your drop on Access Plus or through the Registrar’s Office. For more information on tuition and fees adjustment deadlines please visit

AccessPlus account
Please note: Iowa State University does not mail billing statements or grades to students. Instead, you will be notified via email that your bill is available on AccessPlus. 
New Student Information:
Please read this carefully and follow the instructions to view your ISU ID number, ISU billing statements, grades, and to set up your ISU NET-ID (email).
**If you are a current student, you have already established your accounts and can proceed to login to Blackboard Learn to access your course.

To establish your AccessPlus account:
As a new student at Iowa State University you will receive a letter in the mail from the Office of the Registrar giving you directions on how to set up your ISU AccessPlus account. This letter will include your student ID# and a temporary password you can use to log-in to AccessPlus. You will be asked to reset your password after you have logged in. Once you have reset your password, you can begin using the system to view your schedule, pay your U-bill and to view grades.
*You will also use your student ID# to set up your ISU Net-ID (ISU email account). See directions below.

To establish your ISU Net ID (ISU email account) 
It is important to establish your email account as soon as possible as this is the main form of communication used by ISU for your billing notifications, important updates, course information, and for updates from the online learning student services office.  Additionally, your Net-ID and password for this account is your login to access courses in Blackboard Learn.
ISU policy requires that communication is done via e-mail.
·         Go to: then click on "Register for a Net ID" and follow the instructions.  If you have any trouble, please refer to the “FAQ” button under AccessPlus or call the HELP line at 515-294-4000. 

Online Student Resources and Support:
We have compiled a list of resources below to help you in your online course experience.
·         Computer Requirements:
·         Student Services: For questions related to registration and other student services related functions contact us at: or 800-747-4478.
·         Technical Support: For questions related to Blackboard Learn, Adobe Connect or other technical questions contact us at:
·         Proctoring Information: Please check your syllabus or with your instructor to verify if you need a proctor for your online course. It is your responsibility to find a proctor to administer and oversee your exams. Good candidates for proctors include human resources personnel, supervisors, librarians, ministers, principals and higher education professionals.
·         Iowa State E-Library
·         Financial Aid
·         TechCyte: ISU online students have access to buy computers and software at discounted rates
·         Disability Resources
·         ISU Veterans Services

To receive online course updates make sure to “like” the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Online Learning on Facebook: (this is not mandatory)

Hope you have a great semester!
Michelle Zander
Student Services/GP IDEA Coordinator
0006 Curtiss
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Online
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011

Brenton Center for Agricultural Instruction & Technology Transfer –
CALS AgOnline Distance Education Program