Nick Christians
January 30, 2014
For the second year in row, an Iowa State sprots turf students was selected for the Toro Super Bowl internship. There is only one of these nationally each year. This years winner is senior Josh Lemz. He is in New Jersey now working on the preparation of the field for the entire week before the game.
This is a fantastic experience and I'm sure that we will have a lot of follow up pictures after the game.
This is Josh last week in San Antonio at the Sprots Turf Managers Association national meetings. He is standing by his picture in the Toro booth at the show.
ISU Turf Research Reports
Friday, January 31, 2014
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
80th Annual Iowa Turfgrass Conference and Trade Show
A week from today, the 80th Annual Iowa Turfgrass
Conference and Trade Show kicks off at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Des
Moines, IA. The conference runs from January 28th through the 30th.
If you plan to attend the conference, please register as
soon as possible.
Online Registration has closed. Please register on-site after January 21st.
The three day event offers ample educational opportunities
as well as Pesticide Applicator Training (PAT) on Thursday afternoon. This event is made possible by industry support
and is a great opportunity to network with peers, educators, and other
professional turfgrass managers. A special Thank You goes out to ITI Executive
Director Jeff Wendel and all of the associations, sponsors, vendors, and
presenters who make this conference possible.
To download the pocket program, click on the following
link Pocket Program.
or use the following address:
Friday, January 17, 2014
Establishing a Lawn from Seed
The establishment of a home lawn from seed can be challenging. The keys to successfully establishing a lawn from seed are selecting high quality seed, seeding at the optimum time, and following proper establishment procedures. Today’s blog is a revised Iowa State University extension publication on establishing a lawn from seed.
The following is a small introduction to
the publication.
of Seeding
The best time to seed a lawn in Iowa is between
mid-August and mid/late September. However, lawns can be successfully
established as late as late-September in central Iowa and early October in
southern Iowa. Late summer planting is preferred to spring seeding because
seeds germinate and grow rapidly in the warm soil. The warm days and cool nights
are ideal for seedling growth.
Establishment from seed in the spring is
possible when irrigation is available. However, lawns established in spring
often become infested with annual weeds unless preventive steps are taken. A pre-emergent
herbicide such as siduron or mesotrione should be applied to the area during a
spring establishment. Most of these preemergent herbicides kill the seeds of
the cool season lawn grasses and cannot be used at the time of seeding. Mesotrione
and siduron are the only exceptions. Siduron can be applied to areas seeded with
Kentucky bluegrass, fine and tall fescues, and perennial ryegrass. Siduron
selectively control weedy annual grasses, such as crabrass, foxtail, and
barnyardgrass, while allowing the desirable turfgrasses to grow. Siduron is the
active ingredient of many crabgrass preventer/starter fertilizer materials.
Once the barrier of siduron has been established, the soil should not be
further disturbed. Wherever the barrier is broken, annual weeds will emerge. Mesotrione
is labeled for preemergent use
only on newly seeded Kentucky bluegrass lawns to help control crabgrass
seedlings and other annual weeds.
The entire extension publication is attached in pdf
form. To download the publication, click on the following link Establishing a Lawn from Seed
or use the following address:
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Nick Christians

Notice: this is different from the information that I first posted.
There has to be a space between Turfbowl and the number sign or it won’t work and no spaces in the IowaStateUniversity
#GIS14_Turfbowl #IowaStateUniversity
If it doesn't turn blue when you tweet it, they will be unable to find it.
The attached pdf file is a release from GCSAA and John Deere on the annual turf bowl. Notice that it shows all of the winners back to the beginning of four person teams. This years contest will be at Orlando at the GIS show on Feb. 6.
Notice in the add that John Deere has added something new this year. There is a contest on the posting of tweets about the contest. The club that has the most students, alumni, and friends tweet the following message (#GIS14_Turfbowl #IowaStateUniversity) will receive a check for $650 at the show.
We would like to win this. I would appreciate it if as many of you as possible who have tweet accounts post this as many times as you can. They evidently have a way of tracing this no matter who posts it.
The club appreciates your help.
You can get the entire add by clicking on turf bowl announcement
Notice: this is different from the information that I first posted.
There has to be a space between Turfbowl and the number sign or it won’t work and no spaces in the IowaStateUniversity
#GIS14_Turfbowl #IowaStateUniversity
If it doesn't turn blue when you tweet it, they will be unable to find it.
The attached pdf file is a release from GCSAA and John Deere on the annual turf bowl. Notice that it shows all of the winners back to the beginning of four person teams. This years contest will be at Orlando at the GIS show on Feb. 6.
Notice in the add that John Deere has added something new this year. There is a contest on the posting of tweets about the contest. The club that has the most students, alumni, and friends tweet the following message (#GIS14_Turfbowl #IowaStateUniversity) will receive a check for $650 at the show.
We would like to win this. I would appreciate it if as many of you as possible who have tweet accounts post this as many times as you can. They evidently have a way of tracing this no matter who posts it.
The club appreciates your help.
You can get the entire add by clicking on turf bowl announcement
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